Online Engineering is an initiative by Mr. Vishal Bhatt with the prime objective to provide a platform to the new upcoming engineers from all the parts of country that will not only help them in easing their preparation for competitive exams for government jobs but also to be a creative and practical engineer at field. Online Engineering had proved itself as an expertise in providing quality education with best combination of dedicated and expert faculties. We are currently providing online lectures for Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering students targeting GATE-2022, GATE 2023, ESE 2022/23, SSC- JE and many more exams. The online course comprises of  video lectures divided topic wise covering complete syllabus from basic to advance level, theory to numerical, concepts to short tricks to make student confident and capable enough to crack any competitive exams related to the field. Our main is to give the best education to all students to bring the best result from them and make our country and family proud.

About Founder

Vishal Bhatt

A teacher by profession and organizer by nature, he is a B.Tech of MANIT, Bhopal (NIT Bhopal) and M.Tech pass-out from IIT Roorkee in 2012. After placement in world’s top firm from IIT, he also wrote exams for government jobs and within a preparation duration of 4 months he managed to clear exams like IES, RITES and GPSC written but after proving his ability in getting these jobs he moved to his passion of teaching and guided about 30000+ students in various top institutes of the country in the previous 10 years in about 25 + cities. He is also the founder of Engineer’s Ranker Point, Bhopal(M.P.) and providing offline coaching classes from 2016. Moving with time, he started Online Engineering  in 2018 to prove the pioneering in online coaching program for all kind of competitive examinations to reach even the remotest area of the country and provide quality education starting from the basics to the advance level to help them qualify any competitive exams and excel in the practical life.