About GATE

GATE "Graduate Test in Engineering is an all India Exam Administered and conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven Indian Institute of Technology on behalf of the National Coordination Board – GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India. The GATE score of a candidate reflects the relative performance level of a candidate. GATE is generally conducted on the first or second Sunday of February each year and the result is announced in the month of March. Candidate needs to apply online for the GATE exam. The score is used for admissions to various post-graduate education programs (e.g. Master of Engineering, Master of Technology, Doctor of Philosophy) in Indian higher education institutes, with financial assistance provided by MHRD and other government agencies. Recently, GATE scores are also being used by several Indian public sector undertakings (i.e., government-owned companies) for recruiting graduate engineers in entry-level positions. It is one of the most competitive examinations in India.

graduate programs

A valid GATE score is essential for obtaining financial assistance during Master’s programs and direct Doctoral programs in Engineering/Technology/Architecture, and Doctoral programs in relevant branches of Science in Institutes supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) or other Government agencies. To avail the financial assistance (scholarship), the candidate must first secure admission to a program in these Institutes, by a procedure that could vary from institute to institute. Qualification in GATE is also a minimum requirement to apply for various fellowships awarded by many Government organizations. The criteria for postgraduate admission with scholarship/assistant-ship could be different for different institutions.
In December 2014, the University Grants Commission and Ministry of Human Resources Development announced that the scholarship for GATE-qualified postgraduate students is increased to Rs. 12,400 per month.

In all the papers, there will be a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks, out of which 10 questions carrying a total of 15 marks are in General Aptitude (GA).

In the papers bearing the codes AE, AG, BT, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, IN, ME, MN, MT, PE, PI, TF and XE, the Engineering Mathematics will carry around 15% of the total marks, the General Aptitude section will carry 15% of the total marks and the remaining 70% percentage of the total marks is devoted to the subject of the paper.

GATE 2020 would contain questions of two different types in various papers:

(i) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) carrying 1 or 2 marks each in all papers and sections. These questions are objective in nature, and each will have a choice of four answers, out of which the candidate has to mark the correct answer(s).

(ii) Numerical Answer Questions of 1 or 2 marks each in all papers and sections. For these questions the answer is a real number, to be entered by the candidate using the virtual keypad. No choices will be shown for this type of questions. .

(i) Recall: These are based on facts, principles, formulae or laws of the discipline of the paper. The candidate is expected to be able to obtain the answer either from his/her memory of the subject or at most from a one-line computation.

(ii) Comprehension: These questions will test the candidate’s understanding of the basics of his/her field, by requiring him/her to draw simple conclusions from fundamental ideas.

(iii) Application: In these questions, the candidate is expected to apply his/her knowledge either through computation or by logical reasoning.

(iv) Analysis and Synthesis: In these questions, the candidate is presented with data, diagrams, images etc. that require analysis before a question can be answered..

The GATE examination consists of a single paper of 3-hour duration that contains 65 questions carrying a maximum of 100 marks. The question paper will consist of both multiple choice questions (MCQ) and numerical answer type questions. Click here for the pattern of question papers.
The examination for all the papers will be carried out in an ONLINE Computer Based Test (CBT) mode where the candidates will be shown the questions in a random sequence on a computer screen. The candidates are required to either select the answer (for MCQ type) or enter the answer for numerical answer type question using a mouse on a virtual keyboard (keyboard of the computer will be disabled).
Candidates will be provided with blank paper sheets for rough work and these have to be returned back after the examination. At the end of the 3-hour window, the computer will automatically close the screen from further actions.

GATE results are usually declared about one month after the examinations are over. The results show the total marks scored by a candidate, the GATE score, the all-India rank and the cut off marks for various categories in the candidate's paper. The score is valid for 3 years from the date of announcement of the results. The score cards are issued only to qualified candidates.

Education Qualification
The candidates who have either of these qualifications can apply for the GATE examination:-
• The candidate must have a Bachelor Degree i.e. B.Tech/ B.E./B.Pharm/ B.Arch from a recognized University.
• Either Bachelor Degree in Science / BSc. Research from recognized University.
• The applicants having Master’s Degree in from any stream Mathematics/ Science/ computer or equivalent or Statistics or Five year B.S. / M.S. Progam or M.Tech or M.E. after BSc. Can also apply.
• The applicants appearing in the final year of qualifying exam can also apply for exam provided they have to submit the certificate from the Principal of University or College.
• The candidates, who have passed the qualifying examination, have to submit their certificate or degree certificate or provisional certificate.
• Diploma Holders are not eligible for the examination.
Age limit
  • There is no upper limit age bar and the candidates are eligible only after their Bachelor Degree achievement. No age restriction is there in GATE Exam.

  • How many time I can appear in GATE exam?
  • The applicants can apply for unlimited time but the aspirants must try to clear the exam in the first or second attempt.


•Eligibility criteria to apply for faculty/research positions in educational/R&D centers.

• GATE score is also accepted in University of Singapore.

• GATE score is also helpful for admission in MBA in NITIE, Mumbai & fellowship program from IIMs.

• Strong Technical base also helps in Campus Placements and other Competitive Exam like SAIL, RITES, JTO, ISRO etc.

• Many private institutes are also considering GATE scores nowadays.

• Mandatory for admission in Masters degree in premier institutes – IITs or IISc

• Many PSU`s are recruiting on the basis of GATE score.

• Better job profile and companies

• Financial scholarships during M.Tech (a minimum of 12400/- INR per month)

• Become eligible for faculty/research positions in educational/R&D centers

• True essence of being an engineer or having engineering degree.

• Better salary package after M.Tech.

ESE (Engineering Services Exam)

About ESE

Indian Engineering Services abbreviated as IES are the civil services that meet the technical and managerial functions of the Government of India. ESE is considered as the toughest exam in India and amongst the toughest in the world due to less number of posts and its technical nature. Because of this difficult selection procedure, IES officers carry high respect and status in society and are able to manage activities in diverse areas. Government spending comprises more than 15 percent of India's GDP and given the extent of tasks and functions managed by the public sector, this extends to a fairly broad segment of the economy covering the railways, roads, defense, manufacturing, inspection, supply, construction, public works, power, telecommunications, etc. All appointments to the Group A services are made by the President of India.

Upon clearing ESE exam, candidates can get posted in the following departments:

Civil Engineering

• Border Roads Engineering Service (Border Roads Organisation)
• Central Engineering Service (Central Public Works Department)
• Central Engineering Service (Ministry of Road Transport & Highways)
• Central Water Engineering Service (Central Water Commission)
• Indian Defence Service of Engineers (Military Engineer Services)
• Indian Ordnance Factories Service (IOFS)
• Indian Railway Service of Engineers
• Indian Railway Stores Service
• Survey of India
• Indian Inspection Services
• P & T Building Works Service (DoT, Ministry of Communication & Information Technology)
• Military Engineering Services ( QS & C )

Mechanical Engineering

• Border Roads Engineering Service (Border Roads Organisation)
• Central Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Service (Central Public Works Department)
• Central Engineering Service (Ministry of Road Transport & Highways)
• Central Power Engineering Service (Central Electricity Authority)
• Central Water Engineering Service (Central Water Commission)
• Indian Army Corps of EME (Electrical and Mechanical Engineers)
• Indian Defence Service of Engineers (Military Engineer Services)
• Indian Inspection Service (Directorate General of Supply and Disposals)
• Indian Naval Armament Service (Directorate of Naval Armament)
• Indian Naval Stores Service (Indian Navy)
• Indian Ordnance Factories Service (IOFS)
• Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers
• Indian Railway Stores Service
• Indian Supply Service (Directorate General of Supply and Disposals)

Based on the recommendations of Expert Committees formed by the Union Public Service Commission, the Government ( Ministry of Railways) has conveyed its approval to the following Structural changes in the scheme and syllabi of the Engineering Services Examination to be implemented from the year 2017 onwards.

Stage-I : Engineering Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage-I)
Examination (Objective Type Papers)
Paper-I : General Studies and Engineering Aptitude Paper 2 hours

200 Marks
Paper-II : Engineering Discipline-specific Paper 3 hours

300 Marks
Stage-I : Sub-Total 500 Marks
Minimum Qualifying Marks for each Paper
should be at the discretion of the Commission.
Only those candidates
qualifying at this Stage will be
permitted to appear for Stage-II examination
Stage-II : Engineering Services (Mains/Stage-II))

Examination (Conventional Type Papers)
Paper-I : Engineering Discipline-specific Paper-I 3 hours

300 Marks
Paper-II : Engineering Discipline-specific Paper-II 3 hours

300 Marks
Stage-II : Sub-Total 600 Marks (max.)
Stage-I + Stage-II Sub-Total 1100 Marks (max.)
Only those Candidates qualifying at this
Stage (i.e. Stage-I + Stage-II)
will be permitted to appear for
Stage-III examination
Stage-III : Personality Test 200 Marks (max.)
Stage (I+II+III) Grand Total 1300 Marks
Only those Candidates qualifying at this Stage (i.e. Stage I + Stage II + Stage III) to be included in the Final Merit
List of Engg. Services Exam. Thus the marks secured by the candidates in the Stage-I (Objective type papers)
of the Engineering Services Examination should be added to the marks secured in the Stage-II
(Conventional type papers) of the Examination and Stage-III (Personality Test)
and accordingly, such marks secured by the candidates in Stage-I should also be counted for merit.
Eligibility for IES

The candidate must be one of the following:

• A citizen of India

• A citizen of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan

• a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia or Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
Educational qualifications
  • At least a bachelor's degree in Engineering (B.E. / B. Tech) from a recognized university or equivalent. M.Sc degree or its equivalent with Wireless communications, Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as special subjects also acceptable for certain services / posts only.

  • Age limits
  • 21–30 years on 1 January of the year of Engineering Services Examination.

    Upper age limit relaxation is provided OBC candidates [Non Creamy Layer only], Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe, domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 1 January 1980 to 31 December 1989 or Defence Services personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country.


About SSC JE

Staff Selection Commission of India is conducting SSC JE Exam almost every year to recruit eligible candidates for the post of Junior Engineers Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Quantity Surveying and contract Posts . Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts SSC JE examination giving candidates a golden opportunity to fulfill their dream of joining the prestigious Government Sector. Candidates are required to visit the page regularly to remain updated about any upcoming detail for SSC JE 2018-19 Exam.

SSC JE 2019 Exam will be conducted in two phases. Paper 1 will be of 200 marks and paper 2 will be of 300 marks. Both paper 1 and paper 2 are Multiple Choice Questions. 0.25 marks will be deducted for every question attempted wrong by a candidate in both the papers.According to the recent Exam Pattern, candidates appearing for the post of JE (civil), JE (quantity surveying & contract) should attempt Part A (civil & structural) of paper I & II.
On the other hand,candidates appearing for JE (electrical) need to attempt Part B (electrical) & the candidates appearing for JE (mechanical) need to attempt Part C (mechanical) of Paper I & II.

Paper Sections Asked Maximum Marks Duration
Paper - I General Awareness 50 2 Hours
General Intelligence and Reasoning 50
Part A- General Engineering (civil & structural) 100
Part B- General Engineering (electrical)
Part C- General Engineering (mechanical)
Paper-II : Part A- General Eng. (civil & structural) 300 Marks 2 Hours
Part B- General Eng. (electrical)
Part C- General Eng. (mechanical)

To be eligible for SSC JE 2019 Exam, a candidate needs to fulfill basic three requisites, which are discussed below:

Age Limit

Post Age Limit
Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical),
Central Water Commission and CPWD
32 year
Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical & Mechanical),
30 years
Junior Engineer(Civil and Electrical),
Department of Post and Junior Engineer (Surveying and contract), MES
18-27 years
• Educational Qualification
Post Educational Qualification
Junior Engineer (Civil) CPWD – B.E. / B.Tech. / Diploma in Civil Engineering from a
recognized University/Institute.Central Water Commission –
B.E. / B.Tech. / Diploma in Civil/Mechanical Engineering
from a recognized University/Institute.
Junior Engineer (Civil & Mechanical) Central Water Commission – B.E. / B.Tech. / Diploma in Civil
/Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/Institute..
Junior Engineer (Electrical) CPWD – B.E. / B.Tech. / Diploma in Electrical Engineering
from a recognized University/Institute.
Junior Engineer (Civil) Department of Posts – B.E. / B.Tech. / 3 years Diploma in
Civil engineering from a recognized University/Institute.
Junior Engineer (Electrical) Department of Posts- B.E. / B.Tech. / 3 years
Diploma in Electrical engineering from a recognized University/Institute.
Junior Engineer (Electrical & Mechanical) MES – B.E. / B.Tech. in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering OR 3 years
Diploma in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering from a recognized
University/Institute and with 2 years work experience in
electrical/mechanical engineering works.
Junior Engineer (Civil) MES – B.E. / B.Tech. in Civil Engineering OR 3 years Diploma
in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/Institute and with
2 years work experience in civil engineering works.
Junior Engineer (QS&C) MES – B.E. / B.Tech. / 3 years Diploma in Civil engineering
from a recognized University/Institute OR Passed Intermediate
examination in Building and Quantity Surveying (Sub Divisional-II)
from the Institute of Surveyors (India).