Preparation Tips for GATE- Civil

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How to Prepare for GATE Civil Engineering(CE)


One of the oldest engineering disciplines around the globe, Civil Engineering continues to be immensely popular among M.Tech aspirants drawing the highest number of candidates. The reasons are obvious: a good score in GATE CE paper can be a passport to sought-after jobs at PSUs or higher education at a top institute. But getting a good score in GATE is easier said than done, as questions asked are of a higher level that test even the best of candidates. So, it is important the aspirant knows how to prepare for GATE civil engineering. Success to some extent also depends on how candidates orient and mould themselves to the demands of the test. In this article how to prepare for GATE Civil Engineering (CE), we have useful tips on how the candidate can strike the right balance needed for success. GATE 2020 will be conducted by IIT Delhi in online mode on February 1, 2, 8 and 9. The admit card of GATE 2020 will be available to download on January 3, 2020.

The tips provided in this article not only emphasize the importance of bigger things – like completing the syllabus on time and practicing sample papers but also shows how small things matter. For example, taking a walk in the morning may seem innocuous, but it may help keep stress levels in check. Go through the complete article on how to prepare for GATE civil engineering (CE), and get an edge over your competitors.

Go through the syllabus carefully

Many students simply stick the syllabus on a wall beside the study desk and go from one topic to another as is outlined in the GATE syllabus without giving much thought to it. What the candidate instead needs to do before flagging off preparation is find out whether there is any connection between different chapters, the weightage carried by the topics, and also the difficulty level of each one of them. Once the candidate knows these things, more practical and effective planning can be done. For example, if a chapter is bulky, yet only a few questions are asked of it, common sense says that it is better to first target less bulky ones with more weightage. 

Check Out Exam Pattern

Candidates by going through the exam pattern of GATE 2020 will get to know many important details about the exam – like mode of exam, types of questions asked, marking scheme and more. And once you know the make-up of the exam, there are fewer surprises that are likely to confront you on exam day. 

Key Points of GATE Exam Pattern

  • The duration of the paper will be 3 hours
  • 65 questions – carrying total 100 marks – will be asked
  • Question type will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions.
  • Marking scheme: MCQs carry negative marks, while NAT questions don’t
  • The question paper has three components – General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics, and Subject-specific part

Plan Properly

It will ensure you have all the pieces in place and don’t go around aimlessly. When making the study plan, make room for revision and solving of sample and question papers. Another point is the plan should be actionable. This means you must be realistic about how much time you will need to complete a topic. Also, see to it that the plan covers both short-term and long-term goals.

Finally, make it a point to take stock of things periodically.

Use Good Books

The market is flooded with GATE-preparation books by many different writers. But not all are equally good, with some even containing glaring errors, while some are simply not the same level as demanded by GATE 2020. So, you have to be sure about which books you want to buy. A good strategy to follow is to go for books that have earned high ratings from students and are also easy to understand. A big no-no to books with bombastic jargon and over the top explanations. The table below has some suggestions.

Take Mock Tests

A month or so from the exam, authorities will start the mock test of GATE which will be a simulation of the actual exam. You can take the mock test to understand the functionalities of the exam – be it color palette describing the status of questions (answered, unanswered, marked for review), navigation process, etc. The mock tests don’t normally score the candidate. So, if the candidates want to get scored, they may give unofficial mock tests that are available online.

Stay Composed

The final few days of the exam are crucial in more ways than one. One, you must use them for proper revision, though without overexerting yourself. A word of advice would be to take proper rest, have healthy food and keep a positive frame of mind. Otherwise, anxiety may build inside you and play silly games. Go for a walk or jog in the morning, exercise for a few minutes, listen to the chirping of birds, it will really help you unwind and make you feel lighter and energized.

Topics-wise books for GATE Civil Engineering



Theory of Structure

CK Wang, S. Rammamrutham, L.S. Negi & Jangit

Strength of Materials

Gare & Timoshenko,

E. Popove, L. Singer,

B.C. Punamia, Rammamrutham

Soil Mechanics

Gopal Ranjan & Rao,Venkat Ramaiha,S. K. Garg,

B.C. Punamia, V N S Murthy

Steel Design

Kazimi Zindal to improve concepts; for numerals L.S. Negi and for other topics – S.K. Duggal

RCC Design

Krishna Raju, PC Verghese, Pillai & Menon, Ashok K Jain.

Pre-stressed Concrete

Krishna Raju

Highway Engineering

Justo Khanna, Kadiyali

Railway Engineering

Subhash And Satyapal, Saxena & Arora

CPM-PERT/ Construction Tech

BC Punmia

Fluid Mechanics & Machines

RK Bansal, Modi & Seth

Environmental Engg

SK Garg (1&2), Peavy-Rowe


KR Arora; BC Punmia

Building materials

ML Gambhir; BC Punmia; MS Shetty


SK Garg

Engineering Maths (Vast)

BS Garewal; Kreyzig


Solve Sample and Previous years’ question papers

The more sample papers and question papers of GATE you solve, the more confident you will feel about your understanding of a subject. Also, it will edify what you have learned and improve your problem-solving skills. Additionally, it will assist you in finding problem areas which you need to plug. To maximize the benefits derived from solving sample and question papers, you should put a timer on. This way you will learn time management, a key component to succeed in the exam.

Do Timely Revision

If you thought that you will be able to retain everything you have read in a single attempt, you are mistaken. It is because we born to forget. In fact, the easier something appears, the faster we tend to forget. So, how to stop yourself from forgetting things you have read. The answer is revision, and more revision. When doing revision, make sure that you space it properly. For example, the first revision should not be a few days apart from when you first read the topic. If you feel that you have mastered the concept or topic, you can increase the time between subsequent revisions or vice versa.

We hope this article about preparation tips for GATE will be helpful to you.

 In this time of need, Online Engineering is always there to provide you online guidance.

All the best!