Bearing- Definition and Types

Whole Circle Bearing - Surveying

In civil engineering surveying, bearing is very important to get the direction of a survey line.

The whole circle bearing (W.C.B) is a common notation system of bearings. The definition of the whole circle bearing along with the measuring formula and example is discussed below.What is Whole Circle Bearing (W.C.B)?The horizontal angle made by a line with the magnetic north in the clockwise direction is the whole circle bearing of the line. This system is also known as the azimuthal system. In this system, only the north direction is used as reference meridian.Whole Circle Bearing FormulaIn whole circle bearing, the value of the bearing varies from 0° to 360°. Just measure the angle between true north line to the survey line to find the WCB. Don't forget to measure the clockwise angle in determining the whole circle bearing.If a survey line falls in the first quadrant, its WCB varies from 0° to 90°. Similarly, in the second quadrant, WCB value varies from 90° to 180°; in the third quadrant, WCB value varies from 180° to 270°; in the fourth quadrant, WCB value varies from 270° to 360°.

Quadrantal Bearing (Reduced Bearing) - Surveying

The quadrantal bearing is a common notation system of bearings. it is also known as the reduced bearing. As the name indicates, quadrantal bearing depends upon the quadratic position of a line.What is Quadrantal Bearing or Reduced Bearing?The horizontal angle made by a line with the magnetic north or south (whichever is closer from the line) in the eastward or westward direction is theQuadrantal Bearing or Reduced Bearing of the line.

In quadrantal bearing or reduced bearing, both north and south are considered as reference meridians. Depending upon the position of a survey line, the direction of the reference meridian to the line can be either clockwise or anticlockwise. In the expression of the reduced bearing value of a line, quadrant has to be mentioned in which the line lies.